Illustration Background Collection

Browse our collection of background illustrations and add your favorite background to any card or invitation design or your own uploaded design. Send virtual cards & invitations with charming patterns, party illustrations, Christmas illustrations, nature drawings and many more. All illustrations are optimized for beautiful viewing in combination with our fine & animated cards and envelopes, music and more. All illustrations are optimized for various devices inkl. quick loading times and can be used for any card or invitation sending.
View here how to easily add a background to your card or invitation.

Illustration of a white brick wall
Brick wall white
Illustration of concrete
Illustration of white leather
White leather
Illustration of beige paper
Beige paper
Illustration of beach sand
Beach sand
Illustration of red watercolor background
Watercolor red
Illustration of red autumn leaves on white background
Autumn red leaves
Illustration of blue cambric material
Blue cambric
Illustration of grey tweed material
Tweed grey
Illustration of black leather
Black Leather
Illustration of water color painted hortence
Illustration of water color painted red roses and green leafs
Red roses
Illustration of water color painted red peony with green stems
Red peony
Illustration of water color painted green overlapping round leaves
Green round leaves
Illustration of water color painted colorful fall leaves
Colorful autumn leaves
Illustration of water color painted red and orange tulips
Red and Orange Tulips
Illustration of water color painted green nordic leaves
Nordic Green leaves
Illustration of water color painted beige leaves on green background
Beige leaves on green
Illustration of painted colorful flowers on green background
Colorful flowers on green
Illustration of watercolor painted red Begonia on beige background
Red Begonia
Illustration of painted green plants on beige background
Illustration of painted green leaves on beige background
Green leaves
Illustration of painted beige foliage on green background
Beige foliage
Illustration of painted boxwood on green background
White Boxwood
Illustration of Winter plants
Winter plants
Illustration of red and green triangles
Christmas Tree triangles
Illustration of colorful poka dots
Colorful dots
Illustration of golden painted flakes on beige background
Golden painted flakes on beige
Illustration of mini golden dots
Mini golden dots
Illustration of white poka dots on purple background
White poka dots
Illustration of golden painted flakes on red background
Golden painted flakes on red
Illustration of a red brick wall
Red bricks
Illustration of a red and white fence
Red and white fence
Illustration of horizontal stripes in many shades of blue
Many shades of blue
Illustration of horizontal stripes in many shades of red
Many shades of red
Illustration of small squares in shades of blue grey
Squares in shades of grey
Illustration of wooden panels
Wooden panels
Illustration of wooden fence painted green
Green painted wooden fence
Illustration of blue and white striped cloth
Blue and White striped
Illustration of rosa and white striped cloth
Rosa and white striped
Illustration of wide vertical stripes of shades of green
Cut Grass
Illustration of light snow flakes on dark blue background
Snow flakes
Illustration of snowy house and trees
Snowy House
Illustration of cute snowmen
Illustration of golden post horn on dark background
Post horn
Illustration of grey sparrows on light grey backtground
Grey sparrows
Illustration of green butterflies on light green background
Green butterflies
Illustration of dark blue ancors on blue background
Illustration of white Christmas Trees on blue background
White Christmas Trees
Illustration of blue Christmas Trees with red star on light background
Blue Christmas Trees
Illustration of red and blue triangle shapes on gold background
Red and Blue triangle shapes
Illustration of red, green and beige triangles
Red, green and beige triangles
Illustration of shades of red and beige triangles
Shades of red and beige triangles
Illustration of universe like light on blue background
Blue Milky Way
Illustration of universe like light on grey background
Grey Milky Way
Illustration of universe like light on black background
Black Milky Way
Illustration of crystal black
Crystal black
Illustration of crystal gold
Crystal gold
Illustration of birthday presents
Birthday presents
Illustration of Bouquet of blue flowers on rosa background
Bouquet of blue flowers
Illustration of Bouquet of purple flowers on light green background
Bouquet of purple flowers
Illustration of blue and white birthday cake on light blue background
Birthday cake
Illustration of red balloons on rosa background
Red balloons
Illustration of golden champagne glasses on beige background
Golden Champagne glasses
Illustration of colorful birthday party deco on beige background
Birthday party deco
Illustration of blue party deco on blue background
Party deco
Illustration of champagne bottles bursting on beige background
Champagne bottles
Illustration of carnival hats
Carnival hats
Illustration of carnival masks
Carnival masks
Illustration of Fireworks in yellow, blue and pink
Fireworks Yellow, Blue, Pink
Illustration of Fireworks in blue, white and green
Fireworks Blue, White, Green


Combine your personal, green, fun, impressive and animated paperless cards and invitations with beautiful and fun illustrated backgrounds.

1. Choose a matching illustration for your invitation or card, e.g. groomed grass for golf invitations,

2. Christmas Trees and color patterns for fun Holiday Parties or Holiday greeting cards,

3. Illustrated flowers for Wedding save the dates,

4. Beach sand for the perfect Beach Wedding invitation,

5. A wonderful Birthday cake for Birthday invitations or birthday greetings,

6. Champagne bottles or glasses for anniversary invitations, New Years Eve parties or a drinks party and many more!