Special occasions
online & paper
Charm your recipients and guests with beautiful cards and simple event planning.
Charm your recipients and guests with beautiful cards and simple event planning.
Enjoy in person, virtual or hybrid family events, invite to a cocktail or virtual event, announce the birth of your child, a big birthday is coming up...
Language options:
Our standard online invitation includes all needed functions for a successful event.
Here are some additional features which will ease more complex event planning and help you save costs.
Organize your event in a team. Manage access rights.
Send invitation with multiple event reply options. Assign options to specific recipients. Set guest limits & waiting lists. Allow plus 1 option for specific events.
Open your event and share (email, link, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, paper) your invitation/card as you wish with unlimited responses.
Online & Paper - Manage Replies & Queries for all Guests & Plus 1s easily - Extra Paper option: personalized registration codes.
Customize www.eventkingdom.com to your needs, design, sender email and event URL, e.g. events.yourdomain.com
Design, text, video, music, domains, delivery service etc.